Common Conditions

Foot Mobilisation Technique (FMT)

What is FMT?

Our podiatry team will assess your feet within an initial consultation. A treatment plan will be discussed with you, which may consist of FMT. This is a manual therapy, specifically developed to improve your foot and ankle function by targeting stiff, dysfunctional joints.  FMT is used in combination with other treatment modalities such as rehabilitation, strength/conditioning and orthotics. This form of manual therapy involves identifying every joint in the foot and ankle to treat the cause of foot pain, rather than simply treating the symptom. Mobilising joints increases synovial fluid which is vital in joint lubrication to improve joint movement.  FMT is only performed by specific members of the Podiatry team and may be scheduled following an initial consultation.

Is FMT painful?

Generally FMT isn’t painful to mobilise or manipulate joint’s of your foot and ankle. Your Podiatrist may also use tool assisted massage ( TAM ) and certain soft tissue techniques to improve dysfunctional muscles or tendons. TAM feels like a deep soft tissue massage which can be uncomfortable but not painful. FMT and TAM can increase discomfort for the following few days as your feet begin to adapt.

foot mobilisation techniques

What can FMT be used to treat?

  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Achilles tendon pain
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Ankle sprains and instability
  • Hammer toes
  • Cuboid syndrome
  • Musculoskeletal injuries
  • Sports injuries
  • Improving orthotic therapy outcomes

What can I expect from an FMT consultation?

Once our Podiatry team have established that FMT is suitable at your initial consultation, you will be booked for consultation with an FMT and TAM qualified Podiatrist. Attend your FMT consultation with loose clothing or shorts. FMT consultations are generally 1-2 week intervals for between 3-6 sessions of intensive treatment with a view to extending appointments when symptoms reduce and joint flexibility is improved.

Clinic Locations:

Appointments are available at all clinical sites. *On-site diagnostic ultrasound is available at Earlsfield and Maidenhead clinical locations.


How to book:

If you are a New Patient, please schedule an Initial Consultation online, click here:  BOOK ONLINE. Existing patients can also schedule a follow-up consultation online: BOOK ONLINE .  Please check your podiatrists Bio here: About us  Alternatively call: 02071646607 to speak to our friendly booking team Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm or Friday 9am-3:30pm.


Insurance and Fees:

We accept most major private medical insurance companies including BUPAVitalityWPACignaAVIVA and Simply Health. A full list of our consultation fees including self-pay can be found here: Insurance and Fees. Our Podiatry team are health care professional council registered, meaning they are required to maintain professional standards and continued professional development. As an organisation we have invested in the latest diagnostic technology in order to help our podiatry team, help you. We have onsite diagnostic ultrasound available at Maidenhead and Earlsfield clinics. Pressure analysis available at Maidenhead and Earlsfield clinics with treadmill examinations.