Common Conditions

What is a bunion?

A bunion is often described as a bump on the side of the big toe or little toe. The visible bump actually reflects a structural change to the architecture of your foot. Bunions typically occur around the big toe where the first metatarsal slowly moves towards the inside of your body causing subsequent structural changes. The “bump” on the inside of the foot is in fact the head of the first metatarsal that is out of alignment.

Bunions are a common condition and they progress slowly over many years. The majority of bunions are successfully managed with simple treatment options aiming to improve discomfort and keep you comfortable.

Symptoms usually appear at later stages, although some people never have symptoms.



  • Inflammation and redness.
  • A burning sensation.
  • Soreness from rubbing on the “bump” from shoes.
  • Mechanical changes to your foot structure causing general foot pain.
  • What do I do if I have a bunion?

    At South West Podiatry our experienced podiatry team review many bunions every day. We can help you understand the cause and discuss your treatment options during a video or face to face consultation. Bunions can be classified as grade 1,2, 3 or 4. Treatment of your condition would depend on the grade of your bunion and whether it is causing pain or secondary problems such as heel pain, arch pain or general foot pain. We may request X-Rays to identify the degree of structural changes or osteoarthritis. If you have general foot pain or other secondary symptoms, your podiatrist may discuss an advanced analysis for the prescription of custom made orthotics.

    Injections of steroid can be helpful if appropriate. If you have exhausted conservative management, your podiatrist may discuss your surgical options. We may refer you back to your doctor or directly to an experienced surgeon.

    Clinic Locations:

    Appointments are available at all clinical sites. *On-site diagnostic ultrasound is available at Earlsfield and Maidenhead clinical locations.


    How to book:

    If you are a New Patient, please schedule an Initial Consultation online, click here:  BOOK ONLINE. Existing patients can also schedule a follow-up consultation online: BOOK ONLINE .  Please check your podiatrists Bio here: About us  Alternatively call: 02071646607 to speak to our friendly booking team Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm or Friday 9am-3:30pm.


    Insurance and Fees:

    We accept most major private medical insurance companies including BUPAVitalityWPACignaAVIVA and Simply Health. A full list of our consultation fees including self-pay can be found here: Insurance and Fees. Our Podiatry team are health care professional council registered, meaning they are required to maintain professional standards and continued professional development. As an organisation we have invested in the latest diagnostic technology in order to help our podiatry team, help you. We have onsite diagnostic ultrasound available at Maidenhead and Earlsfield clinics. Pressure analysis available at Maidenhead and Earlsfield clinics with treadmill examinations.